Reviewing procedure

The SCS peer reviews all the material it receives. The articles are scanned for plagiarism using „Plagiarism Detector Pro” and then, they are evaluated by qualified members of academic field (University professors, members of the scientific committee chosen depending on their expertise in their own field of activity) and the evaluation (peer review) is sent 4-6 months after submission in a composite evaluation from the comments by 2 or 3 readers.

The final decision will be made by the editorial board, taking into account the recommendations of the members of the scientific committee and of the other scholars invited to peer-review, depending on their expertise in their own field of activity.

Also, publication follows maximum one year after the actual submission, usually in the next issue.

Evaluation Criteria

Thematic areas and corpus of study (25%)

  • Is the thematic area of present interest? Does it highlight a new perspective upon the studied phenomenon? Does it draw attention upon less known phenomena?
  • Does the paper meet the requirements of the thematic issue?
  • Is the corpus of study properly demarcated (both qualitative and quantitative)?
  • Does the paper properly pertain to status of knowledge of the domains in which it integrates?

Methodology, points of view (25%)

  • Are the concepts and the other theoretical instruments correctly chosen and used?
  • Are the key words properly selected and used in the paper?
  • Are the previous theories correctly linked to the topic of the paper?
  • Is the paper theoretically and methodologically coherent?

Implications and applications (25%)

  • Does the paper bring an original contribution to the theoretical development of its field/fields of interest?
  • Is it suitable to further investigation or for practical purpose?

The quality of writing (25%)


  • The paper is to be accepted (without any adjustments or minor changes): 75-100%
  • The paper must accept major alterations before publishing : 60-75%
  • The paper cannot be published : under 60%

Open access policy

SCS is a delayed access journal, which provides free online access upon the expiry of an embargo period following the initial publication date (with the embargo length varying from 5 to 12 months)