
cover-scs-mini-2Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice. Seria filologie (SCS)  (ISSN 2559 – 3455, ISSN-L 1224-841X) of  University „Vasile Alecsandri” from Bacau is a scholarly periodical (printed and electronic) indexed in the following dabases: CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Scipio,  Linguist list, Fabula, WorldCat, Britischer Verbundkatalog – COPAC, KVK.

Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice. Seria filologie (Scientific Studies and Research. Philological Series) invites you to partake in an exchange of ideas on plurilingualism and interculturality, a theme widely approached nowadays by specialists in anthropology, sociology, political theory, marketing and  human resources. It relates to language, literature, folklore, linguistics,  literary theory, literature-history and criticism, dramatic arts, anthropology etc.

It has become common knowledge that the recent perception of the culture goes beyond – or rather integrates at a higher level – the heritage of the bookish culture. Perceived as it is, culture ignores neither its social nor its pragmatic dimension; with this new acception, it equally involves an ensemble of practices, representations and habits that – just due to his belonging to a collectivity – is placed at the individual’s disposal and helps define his identity.

Above the intellectual models of the moment, the universal cultural patrimony is – in its broadest sense – an intercultural product. It comprises the rich synthesis of elements loaned and inherited from a large variety of ethnic groups, of spiritual traditions and social practices which, in the course of time, have met, competed with each other and interacted.

Specific topics of the journal

  • linguistic representation and collective mentality;
  • literary imaginary and ideology;
  • translation, comparativism and interculturality;
  • Romanian culture and literature within the European context;
  • ethno-anthropological premises of interculturality;
  • representation, imagology, intercultural communication;
  • Otherness: contemporary myths;
  • verbal and nonverbal: representational codes and intercultural dialogue;
  • natural language and the new (multi)media technologies.

The theoretical framework is provided by comparative and intercultural studies, comparative literature, cultural anthropology – ethnology, folklore, ethnolinguistics, anthropology of literature and theatre, anthropology of communication –, literary history and critical studies, sciences of language and communication. It still could be enlarged, from an interdisciplinary approach, as long as it complies with the general theme of the journal and the special topics of each thematic issue.

Languages of publication are Romanian, English or French.

Contact: studiisicercetari3@yahoo.com